Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Today was one of the most boring school days of the year! Let me tell ya' about it!

First period: Math: Square roots (boring)
Second period: A bully talk (boring)
Third perod: Social Studies: Notes (boring)
Fourth period: Expository writing (Boring)
Lunch: Awesome
Band: MUSIC! (not boring(I lllluuuurrrv band) )
PE: Interval run (not fun)

It wasn't that fun.....:(

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Sunday: What is going on! THIS!

So today we went to church.(duh) When we came home we ate lunch and then made pie. That is the summary of my day. There are so many things that are going on in my life these days!! First, school. School takes up the majority of my weeks. Margh. It can get frustrating. In band we are getting ready for our first concert of the year, our Halloween concert! If you would like to look up the songs the songs are Highlights from Harry Potter, Ghosts in the Graveyard, Monster under the Bed, Ancient Voices, Aliens Landing, and Pit and the Pendulum. :3 They are all so fun! For the looks, we are going to put cauldrons full of dry ice everywhere! We also will put a bunch of black lights everywhere and face paint our faces white so our faces will glow! If we want we can put on masks. Another thing I plan on doing soon is making an animation. As most people who know me know, I love to draw! I will not give too much away so it will be a surprise! For this week, my dad is in Taiwan for a business trip, so he won't be able to go to my concert :( But that's okay. We're going to videotape it for him. At my school I have joined the Battle of the Books(BOB). BOB is where a bunch of kids from different schools in our area compete while reading. Before the competition we choose "experts" on a book. I want to be the expert on "The Dangerous Days of Daniel X." It is a great book so far.
Anyways, thatsums up whats going on for now. I'll try to blog tomorrow!